Registration waiting list closes, as Western Isles patients finally have access to local dentists

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The registration waiting list has closed in the Western Isles after years of patients enduring a struggle to see a local dentist.

NHS Western Isles has officially shut down the waiting list for local services, as figures show that around 5,000 people are now registered with a dentist in the Lewis and Harris regions.

Patients in the area have experienced difficulties seeing a dentist for many years following the closure of Bayhead Dental Practice in Lewis in 2014 and subsequent retirements and relocations among the dental staff employed by the board. Despite NHS Western Isles’ best efforts, the area was underserved and positions were left vacant.

Now, as we approach the end of 2018, the situation is much rosier, and dental service director, Colin Robertson, confirmed that there was a normal service running across the West. There is still room for improvement, but the waiting list, which has been in force for three years, is now a thing of the past, and most patients should be able to arrange a routine appointment within a couple of weeks.

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