‘People give their smile 6 out of 10’

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New research has revealed that many people do not think that their teeth are in the best condition possible.

Published in the Journal of the American Dental Association, a study conducted by Dr Oystein Fardal and Jannike Jornung found that patients usually had a more favourable opinion of their smile than their dentists, Health Day News reports.

According to Dr Fardal, who works as a periodontist in private practice in Norway, people usually gave their teeth a score of six out of ten.

"This could mean that they are content, but realise that they do not compare with the ‘perfect smiles’ of Julia Roberts, Angelina Jolie, etcetera," he commented.

The study found that the average satisfaction rating for their smiles given by the people surveyed by the researchers was 59 out of 100, the news provider noted.

According to figures produced by the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry last year, fewer than half of the people surveyed said that they visit their dentist regularly.

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