New study links fizzy drinks to elevated cardiovascular disease risk in women

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A new study suggests that women who consume fizzy drinks on a daily basis are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease. 

Research carried out by the American Heart Association revealed that women who drink one or more fizzy drinks per day are 20% more likely to experience symptoms of cardiovascular disease. Women who consume any type of sugary drink are 21% more likely to suffer a stroke than those who don’t buy sugary beverages. Researchers included products such as fruit juices that contain added sugar, flavoured water and pop. 

As well as identifying an increase in the risk of cardiovascular complications in women who consumed sugary drinks, the research team also found that the type of drink had a major influence on the level of risk. Surprisingly, women who consumed sugary fruit drinks were over 40% more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than women who never drink sugary beverages. The risk was 23% higher in women who regularly drank fizzy pop and sodas. 

Cheryl Anderson, professor at the University of California San Diego and chair of the American Heart Association’s nutrition committee, led the study. Prof Anderson explained that the findings suggest that sugar influences cardiovascular health in many ways. Sugar consumption elevates blood glucose levels and insulin concentration, which can increase appetite and contribute to weight gain and obesity. There is also evidence to suggest that an excess of sugar in the blood can cause inflammation and “oxidative stress,” as well as high levels of unhealthy cholesterol and type 2 diabetes. 

The study involved more than 105,000 women with an average age of 52 years old. 

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