July 2010 International Dental Conference Calendar

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The dental conference and exhibition calendar for July 2010 offers a variety of international events ranging from the International Federation of Dental Hygienists (ISDH 2010) in Glasgow, UK, from 1-3 July; the International Association of Dental Research (IADR 2010) in Barcelona, Spain, from 12 -17 July, and the Digital Dentistry Western Mediterranean Cruise between 26 July – 2 Aug 2010 departing from Spain, through France and Italy.

The ISDH 2010 Conference is organised by the British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy (BSDHT) and the International Federation of Dental Hygienists (IFDH), and aims to present new technologies and alternative treatments for preventing and treating oral diseases. Speakers from Britain, United States, Switzerland, and Europe will discuss issues in dentistry, such as infectious disease as a global issue, periodontal regenerative work, adding value to the dental practice, Xerostomia, and systemic oral health models, that may contribute to 16 hours of verifiable CPD (and General CPD).

The IADR 2010 General Session & Exhibition in Barcelona, Spain will include presentations from leading scientists in the dental research industry. Presentations are on topics, such as Cariology Research, Craniofacial Biology, Dental Anaesthesiology, Dental Materials, Diagnostic Sciences, Geriatric Oral Research, Implantology Research, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Periodontal Research, Prosthodontics, and Pulp Biology and Regeneration, amongst others.

These conferences allow for opportunities to share knowledge and experiences covering a range of dental subjects and expertise for practice, procedures, treatments, technology and products that inspire future research, innovations in dental science, and business growth opportunities within the dentistry industry.

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April 15th, 2011 at 08:47 PM
Dr. Kathem Talebian, DDS, FDSRCPS Says :

I am interested to attend a dental conference in Dentistry in Europ, preferably in English language and in either France or Spain in the summer of 2011.
Please let me know
Thank you