Indianapolis Dentists Help Local Police to Fight Crime

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Dentists in Indianapolis have joined forces with local police departments to solve crime.

Dentists are helping the IMPD solve crimes using old dental records and their efforts are leading to an increased number of convictions. The IMPD is one of many police departments across the USA turning to traditional methods of solving crime and convicting suspects, including using dental records.

Dr Edwin Parks from Indiana University School of Dentistry said that as well as using dental records to identify people, odontologists are also using advanced technology, such as imaging software and CBCT scanning equipment, to identify people who have previously been unidentifiable. CBCT scanning captures 600 detailed images per 20-second session and it can also be used to assess and analyse bite marks found on victims of sexual assault, violent crime and murder.

Mike Medley from Marion County Crime Lab said that dentists are working with the police in a collaborative manner to help solve crime and bring justice to victims. Often, the processes are long-winded and detailed, but the outcome is the most important thing. Mr Medley highlighted the example of a case where the work of a forensic dentist lead to the prosecution of a man who categorically denied being at a crime scene. The dentist was able to place him at scene and he later pleaded guilty and was charged.

A number of private dental practices are involved with the IMPD, although they have asked to remain anonymous.

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