Fizzy drinks directly linked to type 2 diabetes

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A study by Diabetes Care Journal has indicated a direct link between sugary drinks and type 2 diabetes. 

If you drink 100ml of sugary drinks every day over a period of four years, your risk of getting type 2 diabetes will increase by 16%.

The study was conducted on 195,000 people over 26 years. Interestingly, it was also found that swapping a fizzy drink with water, coffee or tea reduced a person’s risk of type 2 diabetes by nearly 10%.

This clearly shows the importance of monitoring sugar intake and making sensible sugar swaps when it comes to food and drink.

The Chief Executive of the Oral Health Foundation, Dr Nigel Carter, said: “This study will hopefully remind people of the importance of cutting down our sugary drink consumption. Just swapping a sugary drink for a tooth-friendly alternative such as water or milk once a day will not only help your mouth health but also slash your diabetes risk.”

A Brit consumes an average of 322 cans of sugary drinks each year. With this equating to nearly 2 litres a week, it’s evident that something needs to be done to discourage people from binging. 

Awareness is key, and dentists have a big responsibility to educate patients on the dangers of sugary drinks not only for their oral health, but also for their overall health.

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