Experts highlight the dental dangers of drinking sparkling water

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A new year often triggers a wave of healthy eating and adopting habits that are designed to boost health and wellbeing. While many people might assume that drinking more water is a great way to do this, scientists are urging those who are partial to sparkling water to proceed with caution. 

Water is the best thing you can drink in terms of dental health, but sparkling water is a very different proposition to standard tap and still mineral water. Sparkling water goes through a process of infusion with carbon dioxide to make it fizzy, and this produces carbonic acid. Carbonic acid has a low pH and is therefore harmful to the teeth. Acids weaken the enamel, which can elevate the risk of sensitivity and decay. 

Although sparkling water is not quite the saintly option it may seem in terms of your oral health, it is a better choice than fizzy pop and sugar-laden juices. Drinks like cola and lemonade are packed with sugar and even the diet versions are acidic, while shop-bought juices are often high in sugar with a low pH value. 

The advice from dentists for those looking to protect their smile in 2020 is to drink plenty of still water throughout the day, to avoid sugary and acidic drinks and to make sure you brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes twice a day. Regular dental check-ups every 6-12 months can also help to lower the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

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