Denture cream can cause illness

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Scientists are today suggesting that denture cream can cause neurological harm.
The researchers from the university’s Dallas-based Southwestern Medical Center believe that overuse of the cream may leave users neurologically damaged with tingling in their hands, weakened limbs or loss of balance. reported that boffins now think that traces of zinc in the paste, which is used to secure the false teeth to the roof of your mouth, might be the cause of the neurological problems.
Denture wearers often use implants that don’t fit correctly – this is frequently caused by changes in jaw structure, reduced bone density, wear and tear, or poor quality false teeth. 
Ill-fitting dentures can be annoying, embarrassing and sometimes painful, leaving the wearer unable to chew food. So many people turn to denture fixatives to stop their false teeth slipping around their mouths.
Researchers studied the issue and discovered that most denture fixatives include zinc in their ingredients. While zinc is a mineral that is necessary for your body’s overall well being, overusing it can make the levels of copper in your body drop, making you unwell.
Often fixatives are used on a daily basis by denture wearers for years and years at a time.  When used this frequently the zinc can seep into the rest of the body and damage other minerals necessary for neurological health.
The best way to combat this issue is to get your dentures permanently fitted to your mouth. You can do this to your existing dentures by implanting fasteners or hooks or you can have new dentures attached.
Well-fitting dentures help people feel and look good and can improve a person’s overall health. Both upper and lower jaw dentures should fit together correctly for eating, chewing and talking purposes.
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