Dentists join No Smoking Day campaign

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Dentists have joined health organisations and other campaigners to celebrate No Smoking Day, which takes place today.

The 2011 campaign was launched by Duncan Bannatyne, from BBC2’s Dragon’s Den. The national event is designed to encourage people to give up smoking and adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Smoking contributes to a host of serious health problems and costs the NHS millions of pounds every year. Campaigners are eager to encourage people to give up smoking and are hosting events across the country to provide information about giving up and encourage people to give up by highlighting the social, economic and health benefits associated with stopping smoking.

Dentists have joined the campaign to try and reduce the number of people who smoke; smoking contributes to a higher risk of oral health problems, including gum disease and oral cancer and also affects the physical appearance of the teeth. Smoking stains the teeth, making them look older and less healthy and also causes unpleasant breath.

Stuart Geddes, director of the British Dental Association in Wales, said that giving up smoking can make a huge difference to oral health; many studies have proven the link between poor oral health and smoking. Smoking causes gum conditions and also stains the teeth; Geddes advises smokers to consider giving up as a long-term means of improving the aesthetic of their teeth.

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