CarieScan wins prestigious award in the USA

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CarieScan, the innovative early decay detection device, has scooped a prestigious award at the 2011 Bicuspid Dental Excellence Awards in Chicago.

The device has been developed and distributed by a Dundee-based subsidiary of 3D Diagnostic Imaging. Last year, the company successfully started trading on the Alternative Investment Market (Aim) and is now being used in dental practices in the UK, the USA and Canada. The company plans to start distributing and marketing the product in other countries in the near future.

The CarieScan Pro hand-held device can detect decay earlier than any other device on the market; the instrument can also detect hidden signs of decay under the enamel surfaces of the teeth.

The CarieScan won the Best New Diagnostic Device at the awards ceremony in Chicago. 3D Diagnostic Imaging is now planning to increase the product range and develop new devices, including devices to detect melanomas and osteoporosis.

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