A Dry Mouth Doesn’t just Leave You Thirsty

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A lovely tall glass of water is usually the first thing we all think of when we have a dry mouth, but there are many things a dry mouth could be a symptom of other than just being thirsty and many problems it can cause.

The major problem that a dry mouth could bring on is a build up of germs and bacteria within the mouth, which happens because of the lack of saliva circulation. When you have a moist mouth loose germs, plaque or bacteria that settles in the mouth are gradually washed away as the saliva is moved from your mouth through swallowing. This simple lack of circulation could potentially prove to be quite dangerous and damaging for your oral health.

Another thing many people may be concerned about with dry mouth is bad breath, and again, this is linked to circulation, as not only does saliva wash away damaging plaque and bacteria, but also stuck food particles that cause quite a stench if not cleared away.

As well as being the cause of a number of things, a dry mouth can also be the symptom of other things. Medical conditions and medication are common causes as the body fights against some form of disease, common cause are diabetes, HIV and Parkinson’s, although there are many others.

Smoking can also cause a dry mouth, as well as the other slightly more obvious damaging affects smoking can have on your body. During a smoking session and for a length of time afterwards the flow of saliva is interrupted, which can easily cause a dry mouth.

An obvious cause of a dry mouth is dehydration, but thankfully a cure for this form of a dry mouth is quite simple; a drink of something with low levels of salt, preferably water.

As can be seen from above, there are a number of other issues that could be linked to your dry mouth and as such, if you have a consistent dry mouth for a long stretch of time, consulting a doctor or dentists would be highly advisable.


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