Lingual Braces a patient guide

  • Cost: £3000 - £5000 depending on the system & practitioner
  • Treatment length:1 - 3 years
  • Used for: Bad bite, Gaps, crowding, rotated teeth
  • Available: From most cosmetic dentists

What are lingual braces?

Lingual braces are custom made fixed braces bonded to the back of the teeth making them invisible to other people.  Braces in general are formed of two components:

In lingual braces the brackets are cemented onto the backside of the teeth making them invisible while in standard braces the brackets are cemented onto the front side of the teeth.  Hence, lingual braces are a cosmetic alternative to those who do not wish to have the unaesthetic metal look but wish to improve their smile. 

How are lingual braces different from standard braces?

The main differences between the conventional braces and lingual braces are summarised in the table below:

Lingual Braces

  • Brackets are cemented onto the backside of the teeth
  • Metal work is invisible, hence are a cosmetic alternative to standard braces
  • Brackets have to be custom made as back side of each teeth are unique in its shape
  • Only suitable for adults and teens who can wear braces on the front of their teeth while it is not suitable for people with very small teeth or with certain bites
  • Lengthy and more difficult adjustment time
  • More expensive
  • Not all orthodontists are trained in fitting in lingual braces

Standard Braces

  • Brackets are cemented onto the front side of the teeth
  • Metal work is visible making them less aesthetic

  • Brackets can be mass produced as all front teeth are quite uniform in shape
  • Anyone can use standard braces

  • Lesser adjustment time
  • Less expensive
  • All orthodontists are capable of carrying out the treatment

What is the function of lingual braces?

Like the standard braces, the lingual braces help to correct

Who are ideal candidates for lingual braces?

Adults and teens who wish to improve their smile but do not want the metal work to be visible to others.

Who cannot use lingual braces?

Can lingual braces be worn in combination with standard braces?

Lingual braces can be worn for both the upper and lower teeth.  However, since the lower teeth are less visible, one can go for a combination of lingual braces on the upper teeth and standard braces for the lower teeth.

How are lingual braces fitted ?

It takes 2 visits to fit in the lingual braces at 3 to 5 days interval:

During the first visit

Second visit

What can be expected after the lingual braces are fitted in?

What are the aftercare instructions for lingual braces?

When will the positive results of lingual braces be seen?

They take typically the same time as traditional braces to show the positive results, generally 1- 3 years.

What are the disadvantages of choosing lingual braces?

Does the placement of lingual braces require the extraction of teeth?

Only in severe cases will teeth extraction be required; extractions are avoided in more than two-thirds the patients.