
I went for a consultation. The doctor told me I have a choice of the Inman Aligner OR the Invisalign. After browsing this website, I am a bit confused as to my suitability for the Inman Aligner, so I am seeking a second opinion here...
It appears that the Inmal Aligner is suited for streightening the front 4 teeth, but on my top arch I have my front six teeth that are out of laces because of crowding. (Both Upper Cuspids are placed slightly out while Upper Right Central is slightly overlaping the Upper Right Latteral.) So, can the Inman Aligner straighten my upper Cuspid teeth as well or no?

And one more silly question: as the teeth are pushed out-forward by the alligner, can it visibly change the shape of your face slightly by lifting your lip because of the more forward position of the teeth??

Thank you very much for asnwering my questions!! I need it to make up my mind to go for the treatment!

Have a blessed day!
