Wisdom SpinBrush II

The Wisdom spinbrush II is an electric toothbrush which can be used by adults and children over the age of 3 years. The Wisdom spinbrush II helps to ensure that teeth are cleaned effectively, and offers a professional way of brushing as the electronic bristles help to promote healthy teeth and gums after brushing. The Wisdom spin brush II has rotating bristles which aid in removing plaque; this is important as plaque can lead to complications like gum disease if not properly monitored.

This toothbrush is effective in removing food particles, which could be stuck on the teeth, and below the gum line and its bristles gently massage the gums providing a thorough clean. The bristles of the toothbrush are specially designed to leave your teeth polished and keep your teeth and gums healthy by effectively protecting against dental decay. The Wisdom spinbrush II offers a fresh and clean feeling for the all family.