Is there any way you can receive dental veneers through the NHS?

Q. I am writing to you to ask a question that has arisen in a conversation between me and my girlfriend. She currently has 2 caps on her two front most teeth due to an accident when she was 13 causing her two original teeth to be broken away. As the current situation stands, due to counseling for various personal difficulties she is working through, it has been discovered, or more-so, she has learned to accept and analyze that this early accident is a majour catalyst to her developing an eating disorder she has been suffering from for the past 11 years through the fear of her teeth ‘falling out’, and also the social ramifications of her awareness of her teeth causing her to have constant social anxiety and difficulty in interacting with society, which has ultimately impacted her ability to work, ergo be financially and professionally successful/independant. Indeed she is on incapacity benefit due to being unable to work. Due to this, and as advised by her councilor we are seeking advice as to wether her specific medical circumstance satisfies her requirements for being eligible to receive a full set of (or as close to as possible, as defined by the potential assessment) veneers via the NHS as it has been established that a procedure such as this will “significantly accelerate her development towards becoming a stronger and socially coherent individual, safeguarding her future as an independent member of society.” This is not a personal request. Merely a humble question aimed towards you as we found the opportunity to e-mail you via this site while searching for relevant information regarding our query.
A. an individual dentist is unlikely to stretch the regulations for you and lose a large sum of money as the costs would far exceed the fees. In exceptional circumstances a Primary healthcare trust (PCT) dental dept might just agree to helping fund the treatment.# Local PCT approaches differ and the news that they are about be dissolved by the new government means satart trying now. Hope this Helps Rob
Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web:

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