Is there any possibility to extract as many teeth to hv avg smile?

Q. As an early teen I had chipped the top, front 6 of my teeth rollerblading. They felt loose for a while and had always bothered me the way they healed. It bothers me how my front teeth are displayed slightly misaligned to my left and with an overbite as well. The Army Dentist insisted on putting veneers over them. That never did anything to fix the misalignment problem of the front two top teeth being aligned under my nose. It seems the injury I must have suffered as a kid made the teeth grow in this way after they healed. I am disappointed and finished with the idea of trying to salvage my smile at this point in my life. I am wondering if you may be able to let me know if there is a possibility that there is a Dentist out there that would extract my front, top 6 teeth or as many as needed to have an average looking smile that is aligned under my nose. Thanks very much

A. If the teeth are healthy you should look into clear positioner orthodontics such as clearstep or invisalign

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web:

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