I want white crowns to the level celebrities have for the prettiest smile, but my dentists thinks this will look artificial. Can you advise?.

Q. Hi. I’m getting all my front top teeth crowns replaced. I had them for 10 years and they are very yellow. I want to go with the whitest shade available, the bleeched white, but my dentist convinced me that it’s gonna look artificial and B1 will look the best. what would you advice? should i go with B1 or just go to another dentist that will do a whiter color crowns for me? what will be the shade that celebrities go for to get the prettiest smile? thank you very much,
A. The bleaching shades are OM1 OM2 & OM3. They are not natugral but are fashionable. Hope this helps Rob
Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web: www.e-dentalpractice.co.uk

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