i have vertical crack on my 18 molar is efficacy of bonded and nonbonded amalgam be an alternative

Q. My dentist said I have a vertical crack on my #18 molar. It runs from the top to the gumline down the middle on the back of the tooth. I don’t feel any pain. Sometimes I feel sensitivity when I chew something. I don’t like the idea of a root canal and crown and I did research and found this article: EFFICACY OF BONDED AND NONBONDED AMALGAM IN THE TREATMENT OF TEETH WITH INCOMPLETE FRACTURES Would this be an alternative. It seems like it would entail less removal of material if a dentist could just used an adhesive bonded restorative material like amalgam or other metal.

A. The extent and therefore assesment of the fracture is critical. The procedure is also very tecnique sensitive.
When it works its great but it is far from being a universal answer.

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web: www.e-dentalpractice.co.uk

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