I am only 24 and suffering from advanced gum disease

Q. I am only 24 and suffering from advanced gum disease. this has led to my two front teeth drifting and it has left me with a gap. i also have a gap in between my left front teeth and its adjoining tooth. i am currently under specialist care at newcastle dental hospital and i am having some deep cleaning work carried out very soon, but when this is over, will there be any cosmetic work i can have as i am very self conscious when i smile, i would love to have straight beautiful teeth again

A. The dental hospital should be able to give you advice about what treatments are possible.  You may need your teeth splinted following your gum treatment and any subsequent cosmetic treatment must not have a deliterious effect on your future gum health.  Well made and well fiing veneers are definitely an option to improve your smile once you have completed your gum treatment.  Regular gum maintenance is essential following any gum treatment and this usually means for life – my patients typically see my hygienist every 3 months to monitor any flare ups of gum disease.

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan

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