Incognito Braces

Incognito braces are an innovative new lingual orthodontic treatment, which are invisible to other people. The braces are designed to straighten the teeth without anybody knowing the patient is wearing braces; the braces are fixed to the back of the teeth, meaning nobody else can see them.

Incognito braces use state of the art technology to move the teeth into the correct position. Each bracket is custom-made to fit the individual patient and the braces are significantly lighter and finer than any other lingual braces on the market.

How do Incognito braces work?

Incognito braces work by forcing the teeth to move into the correct position gradually. The wires and brackets are fixed onto the back of the teeth and are manufactured in accordance with the patient’s individual prescription. The forces generated by the brackets and wires cause the teeth to move. Once the teeth have moved into the correct position, the braces will hold them in the correct position.

Why should I choose Incognito?

Incognito braces have been developed to provide a solution for people who have orthodontic problems but don’t want to wear bulky, fixed braces. For many people, the idea of wearing a brace worries them as they are concerned about their physical appearance. Incognito braces are a sophisticated version of traditional lingual braces. They have been designed to move the teeth effectively and painlessly, without anybody else even knowing the patient is wearing a brace. Aside from the obvious benefit of invisible braces, the Incognito treatment is also very comfortable because the braces are very light and fine and each individual component part is custom-made for the individual. Incognito braces are also considerably cheaper than other orthodontic treatments. The braces are furthermore extremely versatile, meaning that they can be used to treat patients of all ages.

Stages of treatment

If you have orthodontic problems which you want to correct, you can arrange to see an orthodontist for a consultation. During the consultation, the dentist will take a look at your teeth and discuss possible treatment options with you. They will decide which treatment is best for you based on the nature of your orthodontic problems, your budget and the desired end result.

If you are worried about your appearance when wearing a brace and you want to have Incognito braces, your dentist will discuss the treatment with you and explain how the treatment works. If Incognito treatment is deemed appropriate, they will then take silicone impressions of your mouth and send them to a special laboratory, where they will be used as a template for plaster casts. The plaster casts will then be cut out by a dental technician and placed in a wax model, which is then scanned by a state of the art 3D scanner. The individual component parts of the brace are then manufactured based on the images generated by the scanner.

When the brace is ready, it will be placed in a silicone tray and sent back to the dentist; the silicone tray helps dentists to fit the brace accurately.

Are the braces painful?

Like any braces, it may take a while for you to get used to the feel of the brace. As the braces are fitted to the lingual sides of the teeth, the tongue may feel a little strange to begin with. Lingual braces take some adjusting to and you may find that your speech is mildly affected after the braces are fitted. However, most people find that they are happy with their braces and back to normal after a fortnight.

Unlike other types of lingual brace, Incognito braces are made of very fine wires and brackets. They are much thinner and lighter than other types of brace and this helps to prevent pain caused by friction between the tongue and the brace.

Are Incognito braces suitable for everyone?

Incognito braces are suitable for patients of all ages, including teenagers who do not have a full set of adult teeth. The braces are bespoke, meaning they are made to fit the individual’s teeth.

Incognito braces are suitable for patients with a wide range of orthodontic problems, including complex malocclusions.

How long does treatment take?

The length of the treatment depends on the nature of the individual case; some people have more major malocclusions than others and consequently their treatment will take longer. As a rough guide, less complex cases will take around 15 months, while more complex cases may take up to 28 months. Your dentist will discuss treatment time with you during the initial consultation.

Will the braces affect my speech?

To begin with the braces may affect your speech slightly. However, you will find that it returns to normal very quickly once you get used to wearing the braces. The flat design of the braces means that speech returns to normal much quicker than other types of lingual brace.

Can I eat what I want?

Like with other types of brace, it is important to keep an eye on what you eat when you have Incognito braces. Chewy foods can get stuck in the brackets and this can contribute to oral health issues, including tooth decay and gum disease. Hard foods are also not recommended, as these may damage the fine wires of the brace. Your dentist will discuss which foods you should try and avoid before you have the braces fitted.

Oral hygiene

As with all braces, it is important to keep your Incognito braces clean. You should try to brush your teeth and clean your braces around four times a day. This will help to remove traces of harmful bacteria and food deposits, which will reduce the risk of you developing oral health problems.

How much does treatment cost?

The cost of treatment varies according to the individual case. The cost of treatment will depend on whether you need one or two braces and the complexity of the case. As a general guide, you can expect to pay around £3,000 for treatment. The fee will also depend on which dentist you choose, as dentists with a great deal of experience and expertise will charge a premium rate.