Survey Shows Most Dentists Give Trick-or-Treaters Halloween Treats

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Dentists are known for telling their patients to avoid sweeties and chocolate; however, a survey has revealed that most dentists succumb to holiday cheer and give trick-or-treaters sweet treats when they come knocking at the door.

Halloween is notorious for eating devilish delights filled with sugar, which is a dentist’s worth nightmare, but a survey conducted by Delta Dental revealed that most dentists give children sweets when they go trick-or-treating.

The survey found that two thirds of dentists give children sweets or chocolate, while a small percentage hand out new toothbrushes and some give nothing at all.

Suzanne Heckenlaible, from Delta Dental, said that the survey shows that most dentists get in the spirit of Halloween and give children sweet treats, with chocolate being the most popular offering. Dentists consider chocolate to be slightly better than sweets because it dissolves quickly and it does not get stuck in the teeth.

Despite the generosity of most dentists, dental professionals are eager for parents to limit the amount of candy their children eat at Halloween and believe that it is an ideal time to teach children the benefits of moderation; they advise restricting eating sweets to mealtimes and avoiding snacking between meals, as the teeth can only withstand a certain number of acid attacks, which are caused by eating sugary and starchy foods, per day.

Dentists also advise parents to try and ensure that their children have a healthy dinner before going out trick-or-treating to prevent over-indulgence.


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