Parents urged to start teeth cleaning in babyhood

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Canadian dental experts are urging parents to focus on their baby’s oral health needs before they even develop their first tooth.

Dr Sarah Hulland, a paediatric dentist and former President of the Canadian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, said that research had shown that babies acquire the bacteria associated with tooth decay and gum disease before their teeth even start to erupt. Dr Hulland said that there was a still a widespread belief amongst parents that teeth cleaning was not necessary until the teeth started to appear. Some parents were even delaying oral healthcare for their children until after they started to lose their first set of teeth due to the belief that oral hygiene was unnecessary because the teeth were going to fall out anyway.

In order to protect their baby’s teeth, dentists advise parents to wipe away bacteria from the gums using a soft cloth. Ottawa paediatric dentist, Dr Ian McConnachie said that it was also very important for parents to arrange regular dental check-ups for their children, starting at the age of twelve months; routine check-ups enable dentists to detect and treat conditions early and this helps to prevent complex oral health problems. Dr McConnachie also urged pregnant women to take very good care of their teeth and gums during their pregnancy, as research studies have highlighted a link between gum disease and an increased risk of complications during labour, miscarriage and premature birth.

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