Morbid Morgue to help Dentists and other Professionals

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A new campaign is currently underway at the University of Dundee, which is supported by top crime writers from around the world. This is in an attempt to raise funds by the forensic centre at the University and has proved very successful up to now, success that has been furthered by the help of the writers.

The project is headed by Professor Sue Black of the Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification (CAHID) and it aims to build a morgue in the hopes of creating a practical area where students at the University can study their course. In particular it is hoped the morgue will allow the embalming method known as the Thiel method to be used more easily.

While the project may not seem to have much to do with dentistry at first glance, the morgue will give dentists, forensic scientists and other professionals studying the human body, a unique opportunity to test new equipment and develop new techniques and approaches.

The project is far from finished however and while an impressive £1million has been raised for the campaign, this is only the half way mark for what is estimated to be needed and a further £1million is still eagerly hoped for.

The support of the authors has been a real boost for the University and big names suc as Stuart MacBride and Val McDermid have already signed up, as well as a host of others. The mass of support from the crime writing community is believed to be due to the reliance authors have on forensic experts, such as Professor Black and the relationship that often blooms because of this reliance. This is the belief of Val McDermid at any rate, who is good friends with Professor Black, a friendship that arguably is what started the crime writing backed campaign in the first place.


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