Mobile Dental Unit Set for Calgary

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The Alex Community Health Centre has confirmed that a new dental unit will be travelling to Calgary in the next few days.

The 12-metre bus, which is fully equipped to provide a range of dental treatments and services, has been specifically designed for children. The bus, which cost $375,000, was funded by donations from the Willow Park charity golf tournament. The unit boasts two dental chairs, an X-ray machine and equipment suitable for carrying out anything that could be performed in a standard dental office, according to Shelley Heart, CEO of the Alex Community Health Centre.

The aim of the bus is to provide much-needed dental care to people who would otherwise struggle to get to a dental office. The unit is designed to treat children and provide them with preventative services to help reduce rates of decay and boost standards of oral health.

The plan is to target low-income areas, where families are struggling to afford regular trips to the dentist and access is a problem. The unit will arrive in Calgary this week and could be touring low-income communities by September.

The City Council is currently working to identify projects and schemes to fund following the decision to cease the water fluoridation scheme. The council has put aside a sum of $750,000 for dental projects in the local area.



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