Louisiana Suffers From A Lack Of Dentists

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A recent national report conducted by the Department of National Health has found that Louisiana is suffering from one of the worst dentist shortages the country has ever seen.

The findings were released by the Pew Charitable Trusts and states that 24% of the population in Louisiana don’t have any access to a dentist or dental treatments. The findings have come as quite a shock to the nation, with Mississippi coming in at a close second.

The Pew Charitable Trusts have stated the reason for this is due to the slash in Medicaid reimbursement rates given to dentists, which will be set into place from the first of July. The Department of Health and local hospitals have cut Medicaid rates by 3%, which means the poor will be severely affected.

Dentists of Louisiana have stated that the cut will ‘shrink services to the poor and worsen their access to dental treatment’.

Pew has now listed Louisiana as a high shortage area and the rates will remain higher here, than in other neighbouring states for example.

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