Eat cheese for better oral health

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It may come as a surprise, but eating cheese can help to improve your oral health.

Eating cheese at the end of a meal can help to reduce the risk of acid erosion, as cheese is alkaline; this helps to neutralise acid, which is found in many popular foods and fizzy drinks. Cheddar cheese is best, as it has the highest pH level; softer cheeses, such as feta and brie won’t have much of a positive effect on the teeth.

Acid erosion is becoming increasingly common, as people drink and eat more sugary and acidic foods; these foods increase the amount of bacteria in the mouth. Bacteria produce harmful plaque acids, which attack the enamel surfaces of the teeth, making them susceptible to damage.

Eating just a small piece of cheese after a meal can help to prevent acid erosion; drinking a large glass of water will also help to keep the teeth and gums healthy. Drinking water is particularly beneficial for people who are worried about their teeth becoming discoloured; drinking coffee, tea and red wine can cause the teeth to lose their natural whiteness and drinking water after a cup of tea or a glass of wine can help to prevent this.

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