Dental Expert Issues Warning Over Fruit-Based Snacks

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One of the UK’s leading dental experts has issued a warning over fruit-based snacks.

Dr David Barlett, professor of prosthodontics at King’s College London, has warned that many people are putting their dental health at risk by grazing on snacks such as fruit, which they assume are a healthy choice. While eating fruit has a range of benefits for your health, it does present challenges for oral health, as fruit is often acidic and it contains natural sugars. Sugary and acidic foods contribute to erosion of the tooth enamel, the protective outer surface of the teeth. Once the enamel is weak or worn, the risk of cavities is heightened.

Dr Barlett said that many people who are health conscious choose to eat fruit and while this can be positive for general health, it can also be harmful for oral health, especially when fruit is selected as a snack. Dr Barlett said that people should not give up fruit, but they should make a conscious effort to eat fruit before or after a main meal, rather than between meals. This is because when you eat, the enamel softens temporarily and it takes some time to harden and recover. Snacking on acidic foods means that there is no time for the enamel to remineralise and this leaves the enamel vulnerable to acid attack throughout the day. It is also advisable to drink water after eating fruit.

Speaking at the British Dental Conference, Dr Barlett stated that often, eating habits are a lot more important than the actual foods that you eat, and advised the public to try and stick to three square meals a day rather than grazing throughout the day.

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