British Columbia cuts income support payments

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The provincial government in British Columbia has announced that it will cut income support payments starting from next week.

The government has received an increasing number of applications for income assistance over the last few years and the budget is being stretched beyond its means; the government is planning to reduce payments so that more people can benefit from the system. The cost cutting measures are set to save the government around 25 million dollars over a two year period.

The cuts will affect everyone on social support as the services that are currently will be drastically reduced. Dental care for people who are unemployed or on a low-income will be affected, as the number of visits to the dentist they are entitled to will be reduced; this will undoubtedly impact upon their dental health in the future. Shelter payments, which help people to afford housing and lodging will also be cut, leaving hundreds of people concerned about their living arrangements.

Representatives from the government said they were disappointed that they had to reduce income assistance payments but it was a measure they had to take due to the significant increase in the number of people being supported by the state; this way, everyone will be able to benefit from the system but the range of services will not be so comprehensive.

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