Ban on Unhealthy Snacks in Wales

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 Beginning on November 1st, 2008, the Welsh Assembly Government said it will not allow the sale of sweets, carbonated beverages, crisps and chocolates in the vending machines. Also, hospital foods must comply with new guidelines beginning on January, 2009. The removal of all unhealthy drinks and snacks in schools and hospitals were called on by a national dental health charity. Dr Carter, of the British Dental Foundation, said that this action will help to reduce tooth decay and gum disease(s). Gum disease has been shown to be related systemic disease.
Edwina Hart, the Health Minister, announced this ban in April, 2008, and guidelines of products that will and will not be allowed have been communicated to the NHS in writing. The following products that are not allowed are: chocolate, chocolate biscuits; mints; sweets; carbonated beverages, and beverages that add sugar. Milk beverages, smoothies, and yoghurt are to be allowed under close nutritional supervision. Also, vending machines will not be allowed to advertise high sugar, salt and fat products.
Vending machines may feature a Health Challenge Wales logo. These changes are due to the concern being raised about both dental and overall health. The bottom line is that the powers in charge, want to make it easier for individuals to choose wisely in the public sector. If changes are not made to diet, 20 to 33 percent in boys and girls, respectively, will be obese by the year 2020.

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