Bad habits can harm your teeth

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Scientists are suggesting that some habits can seriously damage your oral health.
If you want know what you are really doing to your teeth have a look at these tips.
Try not to brush your teeth directly after consuming something acidic. When you eat or drink something acidic your teeth enamel is softened. However, acids are very harmful so what you should do is rinse your mouth by drinking water after consumption then in an hour brush your teeth. Don’t over do it though, brush your teeth a maximum of three times a day.
Secondly, try not to brush your teeth directly before eating. When you brush before eating you remove saliva that protects your teeth by breaking down acids.
Vigorous brushing can be harmful too. It does seem like a great idea to give your teeth a good scrubbing but violent brushing can weaken and corrode your tooth enamel. You should brush your teeth thoroughly using a circular motion for around five minutes, no more than that.
Gritting and grinding your teeth is also a big no no. Teeth only usually meet for fractions of seconds when you eat. So try not to grind your teeth too much. It can wear down your teeth and give you a headache.
If you take medication regularly which dries out your mouth your teeth can be at risk of harm. The dryness is due to a lack of saliva which, as you now know, is crucial for breaking down harmful acids in your mouth. If you are concerned about having a dry mouth consult your dentist, gp or pharmacist for a different kind of medication or a saliva substitute.
If you are ill and find that you are vomiting a lot take extra care of your teeth. Pregnant women with morning sickness, suffers of eating disorders, and plain old ill people should be weary that vomit is very acidic and can expose your teeth to very harmful bacteria. Try and brush your teeth after being sick or chew sugar-free gum to increase your saliva production.
If you’re a regular swimmer you should take special care of your teeth too. Chlorine and other chemicals that are used in pools can be very corrosive but you would have to swallow a lot of water for the chemicals to have a major effect. Try not to swallow a lot of water and chew gum after swimming to clean your teeth.
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