Bad Breath Voted the Biggest Turn-Off

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Research carried out by Dentyl Active has revealed that bad breath is the biggest romantic turn-off.

The survey revealed that three-quarters of people would not kiss somebody if they had unpleasant breath and halitosis, which was voted more of a turn-off than a flabby stomach, excessive facial and body hair and bad skin.

The survey also found that 25 percent of people have suffered from bad breath and this could be attributed to modern lifestyles, with people eating and drinking more sugary foods and drinks and a large proportion of people avoiding regular dental check-ups.

Bad breath is often caused by the food you eat. Most of us are familiar with the lingering odour of onions, garlic and spicy food, but if this persists, it could be a sign of poor oral health. Bad breath can be caused by bacteria in the mouth and regular dental check-ups and a good oral hygiene routine will help to ensure that you do not miss out on love due to bad breath.

Dentists urge patients to follow a good daily oral hygiene routine, which should involve brushing the teeth twice a day, cleaning the tongue, using mouthwash and flossing, as well as attending examinations, to banish bad breath for good.


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