Plackers Twin line Fresh Floss

Plackers twin line fresh floss contains three exceptional flossing features and is ideal for those who desire a comfortable and effective flossing experience. The Plackers twin line fresh floss have the added benefit of including a tongue flosser to remove bacteria, such as plaque and food particles and there is also a mouth brush which makes it the complete cleaning experience for the whole your mouth.

This unique two flossing structure is able to trap plaque and other forms of bacteria, and helps to protect the mouth against oral health conditions like gingivitis. When you use Plackers twin line fresh floss you well and truly know that your mouth is fresh and clean, and bad breath is given a kicking for good measure. The fibre of super tuffloss is also there to ensure the floss does not become shredded or frayed when you are going about your oral hygiene routine. Plackers twin line fresh floss is available in the US and also purchasable online.