I would like to have my mandible fixed i have chin like jimmy hill

Q. I would like to have my mandible fixed as i have a chin like Jimmy Hill. My lower set teeth protrude over my upper set. I’ve been to orthodontics before but i’ve always been told to come back when my jaw stops growing and because i’ve go too many teeth in my mouth. Would cosmetic dentistry fix my problem

A. Its a long time since I saw Jimmy Hill commentating but from the image you present it is probably the jaw size more than the tooth postion that is at fault. Surgical Jaw correction (orthognathic surgery ) is something that you would need an individual referral to your local Maxillofacial Surgeon to discuss further. It is usually an NHS route that also involves presurgical orthodontics.

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web: www.e-dentalpractice.co.uk

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