I have been neglecting my dental care for years and now my dentist tells me the treatment I need will be expensive.

I have been neglecting my dental care due to fear and finance. I finally got the courage to see a dentist because I want to be able to smile in photos of me and my first grandchild. As of now I avoid them and he is 27 months. I told the dentist that I went to that I needed affordable dental care and he said there is no such thing. He said that my dental care would cost in excess of $18,000. I know that I need a lot of work including periodontal treatment but I don’t trust him. He suggested that I get dentures, I am only 47. I am afraid of going to see another dentist. He gave me a printout of my xrays, is there any online consultations that are available. Thank you so very much for your time
Because the Dentist who treats is resposible for the planning you need to be able to access the dentist you consult with. On line advice would be to find a sympathetic dentist that you can talk to who understands your needs and does thier best tO balance them against the financial and emotional issues.
Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web: www.e-dentalpractice.co.uk

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