I am very uncomfortable to wear my false teeth is there any alternative other than implants

Q. Hi, I had some work done by my dentist to corect the alingment of my teeth, which included the removal of the two teeth next to my big teeth. I was under the impression that he was going to replace these teeth via a bridge implant, but he decided that my bottom and top teeth were too close together and gave me a set of false teeth instead, that are very uncomfortable to wear, and i can’t speak properly in. I was looking at implants but was put off by the high cost. Is their any alternative to getting these teeth replaced? Thanks

A. Teeth can be replace by dentures , implants or bridges.  Implants need enough bone to place them in and bridges need good teeth to use them to support the bridge.  Your dentist will need to asess you for the correct solution for you

Dr Julian Caplan – Director on the board of the BACD View My Profile Dr Caplan

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