I am very nervous, what are my options to close the gap in my teeth

Q. Hello, I have the first two molars, on lower jaw,taken out by dentist when I was 13yrs of age,(no room for teeth he said) This was very bad experience and ended in hospital. Now unfortunatly I have just found out I have to have 3rd molar taken out, bottom right. I trust my dentist. She has given me choice of ,living with large gap, a denture or inplant. I dont realy want huge gap as allready a bit consoius of exsisting one. But I am very nervous of the surgery required for inplant as well as high cost. Does it hurt as the drilling into jaw sounds quiet bad. I dont want to be given another bad experience. I am 42 and dont want an awful looking mouth

A. The surgery should not be painful, Intravenous sedation is a nice add on as you are awake & stress free during the surgery but have real trouble remembering  anything the next day.
Implant surgery in the molar region does need care to avoid the lower dental nerve, a CT scan or £D jaw scan is worth paying the extra for.
Orthodontic space closure is an alternative but expect treatment times 1-2years. Clear aligners possible such as Clearstep or invisalign

Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web: www.e-dentalpractice.co.uk

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