How long will it take my teeth to tighten up after scale and polish to fix gum pocket?

hi doctor,i wrote to you recently to say about a pocket that i had in my gums and that it was making my front 2 teeth slightly said that i should have a scale and polish and that is what i have done.she gave my teeth a good clean and said that my teeth should tighten up now.but they havent and its been just over a week since i saw her.i am still using corsodyl mouthwash and tooth paste and am also flossing.could you tell me if my teeth will tighten up now that i have had them done.if they do will they take long to tighten up.also is there anything else i can do to help my teeth heal.also i have to wear a gum shield as grind my teeth but am scared to use it as where it is tight on my front teeth im scared that when i take it off,my teeth will come out or loosen up even more.please help.many thanks
Teeth can take months to tighten up. The scale & polish creates favourable conditions for healing but it your own gum response that determines if & when it occurs. You can have too much of a good thing, after completing a full clean you should be scupulous about good home brushing but wait 3 months before the hygeinist revisits the site.
The gum shield is a clinical judgement because it saves some teeth but makes others worse. A short term splint to glue the teeth together might be appropriate to avoid “jiggling” the teeth teeth as the gum shield goes in and out. It is beyond the specific advice that I can offer without detailed involvement in your case.
Hope this helps
Dr Rob Tennet St Johns Dental Practice 18 Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, B2 5QJ Web:

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